Friday 1 June 2012

You don't go to school to get an education.

    "que DIOS siga bendiciendo a los hijos de dona martita y don carlos ya fallecidos, personas que cuando mi mama y     yo llegamos a la capital nos trataron como parte de la familia no como la servidumbre, siempre los llevo en mi mente y mi corazon con mucho agradecimiento por su calidad de personas, lastima que no todas las trabajadoras domenticas tienen la misma bendicion de conocer personas asi e visto de todo y a veces las empleadoras son buenas y las empleadas malas o viceversa, debemos hacer conciencia que todos tenemos los mismos derechos y obligaciones, que la diferencia solo la hace el estudio.dinero,posision social color de piel etc,etc. por que al final, cuando morimos nos descomponemos igual, aunque nos entierren con los mejores servicios funerarios si no estamos a cuentas con DIOS de nada sirve."

I was reading an article about house servants in Guatemala. The situation for them is dire, and if you can read Spanish then I suggest you read it. Unbelievably, house servants are not protected under Guatemalan constitutional employment laws, so house servants are not paid minimum wage, have no right to holidays, and more often than not are kept locked in like slaves.
A lot, if not all of them, never went to school and some are illiterate. 

Yet, as I was browsing the comments, I found the one above. Words of wisdom that show how you can't keep the truth from people. Here's a translation (by me, sorry):
"May God continue blessing the children of Mrs Martita and Mr Carlos deceased, people who when my mother and I arrived to the city treated us as part of the family, not as servants. I always keep them in my mind and in my heart with great gratitude for the quality of people that they were. It's a shame that not all domestic workers are blessed to know people like them. I have seen it all and sometimes the employers are good and the employees bad and vice versa.  We must become aware that we all have the same rights and obligations, the only difference is made by education, money, social position, skin color, etc etc. Because in the end, when we die, we all rot the same. Even if we're buried with the best Funerary services, if we're not good with God, it's all for nothing."

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